Ok pardon the title. Not that anything would happen if you don't pardon it.
I've realised that watching teen dramas (altho im no longer a teen) is not just a waste of time and not just for pure entertainment. It could actually be pretty educational. Especially One Tree Hill. Not only can you actually relate to alot of instances in the show, it actually gets you thinking about alot of important stuff (evident from my previous post). Teaches you about life, love, family and friends. Ultimately alot of dramas nowadays revolve around these but we cant relate to all of em (hello...90210 and Gossip Girl, who d heck are rich like em???). Altho we CAN learn some stuff. Like Serena telling Nate not to tell the truth if the truth is gonna hurt somebody. Ok I dunno which is more gay. The fact Im quoting Gossip Girl or the fact I can even remember it. Or the fact i watch it. Well one thing I learnt from watching 6 seasons of OTH is that friendship is really important, and sometimes, when your parents are annoying assholes who don't treat you like proper children (or adults), your friends can be an "escape" route, for they are the ones who 'replace' the role of yr parents - provide moral and emotional support etc.
Speakin of parents, its funny how they are the ONLY ones in a conventional family not related by blood. LOL. ok random thought.
Looking back at below's post, I think what makes one close to another is NOT the number of facts we know abt the person [you may know everything about them, but if you can't "be a friend" to them, thats not being close. Just cos you know everything about your tutor doesnt make him/her a close friend, does it?]. It MAY BE the frequency of how much you hang out with them [the more times you hang out with them, chances are you will converse etc, but again that depends on what the conversation actually revolves around (superficial or deep), and what 'hanging out' actually means]. I think its the ease with which we can talk to that person about anything at any time that best defines how close we are to that person. Doesnt matter if they really hang out or you dont know every single detail of their life, but if you can talk to that person about anything at any time, chances are you will be closer. You can hang out daily and know everything about them, but if you cant hold a conversation with that person, that's not being close, is it. Case in point: Exam period was really hectic and I'd not hung out with anyone, especially a certain Miss T (since she calls me Fsspold man, Ive to think of a code name for her. and Good Girl Gone Bad Gone Terrible blah blah blah seems freakin ages ago. and too long). Anyway, we'd not hung out for months and after exams we finally had the chance to meet up and talk. Spent 6 bloody hours at MacD AC chit chatting abt everything and anything. THAT'S what I call a close friend. Though we rarely hang out, and I don know every single detail of that person's life, we can still talk easily :) At least in my opinion lah. I may be wrong, so....
Approx 2 weeks of holidays gone, another 13 weeks to go. And I'm already sick of hols, no thanks to the stupid circumstances and situations I've to face and been placed in.
Current Songs: Yáng Guāng Zhái Nán (Jay Chou), Bad Romance, Telephone (Lady Gaga), Secrets (OneRepublic), One Time (Justin Bieber), Shut It Down (Pitbull Feat. Akon), Outta My Head (Leona Lewis), 活著 (Jam Hsiao), Tik Tok (Ke$ha), Somebody To Love (Leighton Meester Feat. Robin Thicke), Wait Your Turn (Rihanna).
Don't ask y I have chinese songs or y i listen to em. I may not know wad d heck the songs are abt but the melody and tune is nice so thats reason enuf to listen to em. lol.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What provides us with the ability to claim that we are close to somebody? That we can say "oh yeah he/she's my close friend" or "nah im not close to that person at all".
What exactly defines closeness?
Is it assessed by the number of facts we know about that person? Their deepest secret, fear, favourite food, hobby etc?
Or perhaps the amount of time spent hanging out with them. Until we know their routines etc.
Or is it judged by the ease in which we can talk to them about anything at any time, no matter how trivial or significant, disturbing or embarrassing, sad or funny.
There comes a time when every life goes off course. Pretty sure its happened once. Could be minor, or major. In this desperate moment, we need to make decisions that determine the direction we're headed. Should we fight and get our lives back on track?Let others make decisions for us? Will we be haunted by these choices we make for ourselves, and regret them later in life? Each day marks a new beginning, where we can move forward, or simply give up.
Choices we make should not lead to regret. Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes its small, like when we do something wrong for a good reason, but yet it still goes against what we believe. Some are bigger, like when we betray a friend and let them down. But sometimes, we escape the pangs of regret by making the right choices. In those times where we don't, we need to fight to come to terms with the past, and all our choices that had defined that very moments. And other times, we simply bury our regrets by promising ourselves to change our ways for the better.
Life comes at us all the time, and at times we may struggle to find the courage to face it. Do we have someone we can depend on when we're too weak to depend on ourselves? Someone to watch over us when we stumble and fall, and in that instance, give us the courage we need to pick ourselves up and carry on with what life has to offer.
Have you ever had a dream so real, that when you woke up you didn't know what to believe? What you would do if what you thought was true wasn't, and what you thought wasn't true was? Was there an intention for the dream you had? Like a warning, or message? Your conscience taking charge of your mind. Dreams of your friends dying, fighting with friends, at times completely incomprehensible that the mind does not know what to make of it. But yet the clarity of the dream still lingers long after it happened. Dreams of intruders breaking into your house, and in the process beating you senseless you land in a coma. Or being hunted by a killer and chased through dark places until he shoots you in the face and you drop dead. Dreams of failing a major exam, and being forced to retake it. Are dreams a warning of what is to come in the future? Or did they occur because of bitter or sweet experiences we had faced in the past?
What exactly defines closeness?
Is it assessed by the number of facts we know about that person? Their deepest secret, fear, favourite food, hobby etc?
Or perhaps the amount of time spent hanging out with them. Until we know their routines etc.
Or is it judged by the ease in which we can talk to them about anything at any time, no matter how trivial or significant, disturbing or embarrassing, sad or funny.
There comes a time when every life goes off course. Pretty sure its happened once. Could be minor, or major. In this desperate moment, we need to make decisions that determine the direction we're headed. Should we fight and get our lives back on track?Let others make decisions for us? Will we be haunted by these choices we make for ourselves, and regret them later in life? Each day marks a new beginning, where we can move forward, or simply give up.
Choices we make should not lead to regret. Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes its small, like when we do something wrong for a good reason, but yet it still goes against what we believe. Some are bigger, like when we betray a friend and let them down. But sometimes, we escape the pangs of regret by making the right choices. In those times where we don't, we need to fight to come to terms with the past, and all our choices that had defined that very moments. And other times, we simply bury our regrets by promising ourselves to change our ways for the better.
Life comes at us all the time, and at times we may struggle to find the courage to face it. Do we have someone we can depend on when we're too weak to depend on ourselves? Someone to watch over us when we stumble and fall, and in that instance, give us the courage we need to pick ourselves up and carry on with what life has to offer.
Have you ever had a dream so real, that when you woke up you didn't know what to believe? What you would do if what you thought was true wasn't, and what you thought wasn't true was? Was there an intention for the dream you had? Like a warning, or message? Your conscience taking charge of your mind. Dreams of your friends dying, fighting with friends, at times completely incomprehensible that the mind does not know what to make of it. But yet the clarity of the dream still lingers long after it happened. Dreams of intruders breaking into your house, and in the process beating you senseless you land in a coma. Or being hunted by a killer and chased through dark places until he shoots you in the face and you drop dead. Dreams of failing a major exam, and being forced to retake it. Are dreams a warning of what is to come in the future? Or did they occur because of bitter or sweet experiences we had faced in the past?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
This is what I've learnt from the 4 subjects Ive taken in my first sem in Monash:
Accounts: Just earning money is not enough. You need to know how to manage them as well.
Econs: A market just isnt the same anymore. you know, the one selling vegetables, poultry etc...
Management: A manager can be anyone in charge of a group of people. But lecturers in Monash can never be one cos they suck at everything.
Biz Stats: Timelines exist in personal life. The trend and cycle that had been occuring since my high school days. In high school, whenever the birthdays of my close social circle approached, some retarded big fight will occur. In Mufy/Monash, whenever hols approached, there'll be some kinda big/small argument/fight with my close fren. LOL. wtf. why m i so spastic?
Exams are finally over but Im not awashed with some giant euphoric feeling of joy. Maybe its the fact I know I didnt to my best for all papers, or the fact Im just tired. [Its NOT cos I cant study anymore. LOL].
Finally went to AC after forever with Gary, PW, Reb, Thanu, Vic & Gavin after Pyramid. How we managed to squeeze in PW's car was beyond me. Kinda gotten close wif these buncha ppl after few weeks of studying and chilling together. And Ann. Lala, Ashwin, Anna and tt whole bunch were also in AC. LOL. Old times, good times. Ann thrashed me in pool. obviously. cos shes been playin a lot and the last time i held a stick in my hand to hit balls [;)] was in July i tink.
Anywaes i find it weird tt ppl say the current frens i hang out wif are my "new" clique. they are jus another grp of frens. jus cos i hang out wif em more recently doesnt mean i forget my other frens.
After AC went back to Sun-U Condo cos Reb, PW n Gary needed a change of clothes. went to poolside to chill. Damn i miss swimming! Despite the unhappy moments thr, kinda miss condo too. Reminded me of my time in MUFY. pool looked damn tempting. but all in all the whole place felt rather alien. the guards were still a bitch tho. somethings never change.
Went for dinner at Tahir's place. He Pooja Ian apparently were cooking dinner and darn it was good. Hung there for a long while, then went to Macd since i owed ppl treats. Kena irritated by a bunch of Indian kids who were scaring the hell out of Reb and PW. bloody assholic kids. Hung out at my place, went to some really fantastic mamak, took a short rest back at Tahir's before finally leaving to KLIA ard 545am to send Pooja off. Met shane and elisha thr. Pretty emotional moment when they had to leave. And the stupid banner "We Make It Hard to Say Goodbye" didnt help one bit. Finally came home ard 10-11am.
More outings tmr, monday, tuesday. dunno wen to go back. Im not gonna lie when i say I will miss Sunway. ok not the place but the ppl. 3 months is long, and a lot can happen in 3 months. But i guess this is where everyone goes back to their pre-Sunway lives. whatever that means. Lets jus see wad happens in March 2010. Till then, goodnight Monash, goodbye Sunway and hopefully I'll set foot here in 3 months time. Dunno what the 3 months will hold for me. Doubt itll be good tho. As always.
realised this is the first time ive blogged 'traditionally' in a long long while. lol.
Accounts: Just earning money is not enough. You need to know how to manage them as well.
Econs: A market just isnt the same anymore. you know, the one selling vegetables, poultry etc...
Management: A manager can be anyone in charge of a group of people. But lecturers in Monash can never be one cos they suck at everything.
Biz Stats: Timelines exist in personal life. The trend and cycle that had been occuring since my high school days. In high school, whenever the birthdays of my close social circle approached, some retarded big fight will occur. In Mufy/Monash, whenever hols approached, there'll be some kinda big/small argument/fight with my close fren. LOL. wtf. why m i so spastic?
Exams are finally over but Im not awashed with some giant euphoric feeling of joy. Maybe its the fact I know I didnt to my best for all papers, or the fact Im just tired. [Its NOT cos I cant study anymore. LOL].
Finally went to AC after forever with Gary, PW, Reb, Thanu, Vic & Gavin after Pyramid. How we managed to squeeze in PW's car was beyond me. Kinda gotten close wif these buncha ppl after few weeks of studying and chilling together. And Ann. Lala, Ashwin, Anna and tt whole bunch were also in AC. LOL. Old times, good times. Ann thrashed me in pool. obviously. cos shes been playin a lot and the last time i held a stick in my hand to hit balls [;)] was in July i tink.
Anywaes i find it weird tt ppl say the current frens i hang out wif are my "new" clique. they are jus another grp of frens. jus cos i hang out wif em more recently doesnt mean i forget my other frens.
After AC went back to Sun-U Condo cos Reb, PW n Gary needed a change of clothes. went to poolside to chill. Damn i miss swimming! Despite the unhappy moments thr, kinda miss condo too. Reminded me of my time in MUFY. pool looked damn tempting. but all in all the whole place felt rather alien. the guards were still a bitch tho. somethings never change.
Went for dinner at Tahir's place. He Pooja Ian apparently were cooking dinner and darn it was good. Hung there for a long while, then went to Macd since i owed ppl treats. Kena irritated by a bunch of Indian kids who were scaring the hell out of Reb and PW. bloody assholic kids. Hung out at my place, went to some really fantastic mamak, took a short rest back at Tahir's before finally leaving to KLIA ard 545am to send Pooja off. Met shane and elisha thr. Pretty emotional moment when they had to leave. And the stupid banner "We Make It Hard to Say Goodbye" didnt help one bit. Finally came home ard 10-11am.
More outings tmr, monday, tuesday. dunno wen to go back. Im not gonna lie when i say I will miss Sunway. ok not the place but the ppl. 3 months is long, and a lot can happen in 3 months. But i guess this is where everyone goes back to their pre-Sunway lives. whatever that means. Lets jus see wad happens in March 2010. Till then, goodnight Monash, goodbye Sunway and hopefully I'll set foot here in 3 months time. Dunno what the 3 months will hold for me. Doubt itll be good tho. As always.
realised this is the first time ive blogged 'traditionally' in a long long while. lol.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hide and Seek
PLAGIARISM in ANY way shd be f*cking abolished! and i aint jus referring abt those in educational institutions.
Im insanely jealous. of them. sigh.
2 days to 3months of freedom.
I shd get shot. By myself. I am my own weakest link. Goodbye.
* I had a friend request from this South African girl I din know. I dun usually accept requests from unknowns, but I accepted her cos she was hot. After I did my friend count went down my one. MLIA.
* I was browsing thru my fren's page when I saw that he had 2 frens whose names were freakin similar to mine and a fren's. Ahmad Syalabi and Bek JunHao. WTF!
* Been studying like a man possessed for months now. Come exam time, I forgot EVERYTHING and was forced to crap. Furthermore, there's a high possibility I may even fail the darn paper. Studying so much and failing? I did say I may end up being the laughing stock of the entire Monash U. FML.
* Met Anu in Sunway Coll to study. Classroom was cool, and I tol her its fine. After a while it got warm and she said I cld adjust the aircon if i wanted. The aircon was never on in the first place. LOL.
* Was readin Econs tutorial questions. Ended up reading all the crap I had doodled on the paper instead. LOL.
* Took a pill to stay awake the whole night. Finally lived up to my "reputation" of being a junkie. LOL.
* Currently at a friend's place. He shall not be named to protect his identity.
Me: I wanna go back.
Him: Cannot.
Me: Why cannot go back?
Him: Cos u have an obligation.
Me: What obligation?
Him: An obligation...which you must oblige! =.=
Him: I can't start on a new topic in the evening or night. I need to eat first or sth.
Me: So when u plan to start? Tomorrow?
Him: Have to start asap lah, maybe tonight. =.=
Theres so much more I can write but Im not gonna reveal anymore lah. need to protect his privacy. BUT there was this "take it out" incident which was so hilarious but I cant talk about it cos its R21. HAHA. lame.
The trend of the exams so far has been:
Accounts: Shit cos all their questions were so rojak and encrypted with some sort of accounting spell that we cldn answer cos we din even know how to decipher them.
Econs: Honestly, the paper was easy. BUT. I blanked out and forgot everything. Damn!
Management: The paper was ok. What I thot would be tested came out. And I had focused on them. BUT. again. I spaced out. and couldnt recall what I studied. On top of that I din even finish the paper. bye bye 30 marks. bye bye pass? dun even mention HD.
Biz Stats: on friday. and i dunno why im blogging. instead of studying.
Ok this is random but u gotta listen to Owl City. He is the shit! His songs are catchy yet calming without being so mainstream. Kinda like Secondhand Serenade but not so "gay" lah.
I feel damn dirty. Wearing the same clothes over and over again.
Can't wait for Friday. Gonna freak out! Yes, I said freak out. no more STUDYING. no more EMO. no more crap. [ok i feel stupid talking to myself].
I shd go do sth more productive. Like studying.
Im insanely jealous. of them. sigh.
2 days to 3months of freedom.
I shd get shot. By myself. I am my own weakest link. Goodbye.
* I had a friend request from this South African girl I din know. I dun usually accept requests from unknowns, but I accepted her cos she was hot. After I did my friend count went down my one. MLIA.
* I was browsing thru my fren's page when I saw that he had 2 frens whose names were freakin similar to mine and a fren's. Ahmad Syalabi and Bek JunHao. WTF!
* Been studying like a man possessed for months now. Come exam time, I forgot EVERYTHING and was forced to crap. Furthermore, there's a high possibility I may even fail the darn paper. Studying so much and failing? I did say I may end up being the laughing stock of the entire Monash U. FML.
* Met Anu in Sunway Coll to study. Classroom was cool, and I tol her its fine. After a while it got warm and she said I cld adjust the aircon if i wanted. The aircon was never on in the first place. LOL.
* Was readin Econs tutorial questions. Ended up reading all the crap I had doodled on the paper instead. LOL.
* Took a pill to stay awake the whole night. Finally lived up to my "reputation" of being a junkie. LOL.
* Currently at a friend's place. He shall not be named to protect his identity.
Me: I wanna go back.
Him: Cannot.
Me: Why cannot go back?
Him: Cos u have an obligation.
Me: What obligation?
Him: An obligation...which you must oblige! =.=
Him: I can't start on a new topic in the evening or night. I need to eat first or sth.
Me: So when u plan to start? Tomorrow?
Him: Have to start asap lah, maybe tonight. =.=
Theres so much more I can write but Im not gonna reveal anymore lah. need to protect his privacy. BUT there was this "take it out" incident which was so hilarious but I cant talk about it cos its R21. HAHA. lame.
The trend of the exams so far has been:
Accounts: Shit cos all their questions were so rojak and encrypted with some sort of accounting spell that we cldn answer cos we din even know how to decipher them.
Econs: Honestly, the paper was easy. BUT. I blanked out and forgot everything. Damn!
Management: The paper was ok. What I thot would be tested came out. And I had focused on them. BUT. again. I spaced out. and couldnt recall what I studied. On top of that I din even finish the paper. bye bye 30 marks. bye bye pass? dun even mention HD.
Biz Stats: on friday. and i dunno why im blogging. instead of studying.
Ok this is random but u gotta listen to Owl City. He is the shit! His songs are catchy yet calming without being so mainstream. Kinda like Secondhand Serenade but not so "gay" lah.
I feel damn dirty. Wearing the same clothes over and over again.
Can't wait for Friday. Gonna freak out! Yes, I said freak out. no more STUDYING. no more EMO. no more crap. [ok i feel stupid talking to myself].
I shd go do sth more productive. Like studying.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
seething with rage. all the energy, the time, the effort. the sleep sacrificed. all my drive to study has been destroyed. i dont see the point of trying so hard anymore. all the input, and no output. i may be overreacting. but still. all those weeks feverishly revising, practicing, consulting tutors. for what fuck?! im seriously at a point of breaking down. you may go WTF? or tell me to quit complaining, but yeah maybe u dunno how it feels. maybe you do. why the fuck do u test us on things we were not taught? ppl may just brush it off and "move on". well i cant. yeah its jus one paper but all that effort for nothing. so bad i actually left questions blank. this fuckin sux to the max. maybe i shdve jus enjoyed myself and not studied in the first place. guess i was right after all. i m the biggest joke. fuck u monash. fuck u. fuck myself.
I can only fear the worst for Econs, Management and Biz Stats now.
seething with rage. all the energy, the time, the effort. the sleep sacrificed. all my drive to study has been destroyed. i dont see the point of trying so hard anymore. all the input, and no output. i may be overreacting. but still. all those weeks feverishly revising, practicing, consulting tutors. for what fuck?! im seriously at a point of breaking down. you may go WTF? or tell me to quit complaining, but yeah maybe u dunno how it feels. maybe you do. why the fuck do u test us on things we were not taught? ppl may just brush it off and "move on". well i cant. yeah its jus one paper but all that effort for nothing. so bad i actually left questions blank. this fuckin sux to the max. maybe i shdve jus enjoyed myself and not studied in the first place. guess i was right after all. i m the biggest joke. fuck u monash. fuck u. fuck myself.
I can only fear the worst for Econs, Management and Biz Stats now.
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