Thursday, March 19, 2009

*E=MO 3

Nick Ivans

Sue Anne

Diane Shine
John Bow

Hans Basil

Angie Flo

Sanya Dival==========================================================


angieflo said...

walao.... i tot it's gonna start d man. then when i scroll down, nothing come out.. damn, why am i so excited?

Shahlabi said...

hahah sorry for the delay..i just posted the character pix so that at least theres sth. skali net screw up again..

T said...

wtf screwed up pic of me again?!?! cant put up a nice pic izit

Shahlabi said...

i bliv ive already explained the situation...

angieflo said...

hahahhah skali... tht is singlish man. hehehe bout my pic, i cant said anything cause i born to be tht retard. so no matter how and where i take my pic, it'll be the same. =S

angieflo said...

oh btw, since u can online and reply our msg, why not use the time and upload man... hehehe =p

Shahlabi said...

at least someone accepts the face that they cant have nice pictures...ok no i was kidding...oi u tink one ep so ez do ah..eed careful production and scriptwriting okkkk

T said...


Shahlabi said...

wad excuses??

angieflo said...

hhahahha wooi~ fiiinnneeee i know larh.. if i dont accpet the "fact", you guys prolly gonna shoot back at me with something else bout my pics. so i have no choice.. neeways, finally is up!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!