Maybe I'll be a "Judas" one day. And that day is coming. SOON. It's now or never. And after much deliberation and rumination, think the time is now. There are some situations whereby your "want" suppresses your "need". Usually needs override wants. Like you "want" to do this but you cant cos you "need to" whatever instead. But I guess in this case I gotta overturn the norms and fulfill the wants instead. Cos if i cave in to my "needs" then I foresee more trouble ahead. For me. It's gonna be hard, but I gotta do what I gotta - and should- do. Time to do the unthinkable. I've had enough.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wondered why Britney Spears' "Till The World Ends" sounds similar to Ke$ha's "Blow". Then found out cos Ke$ha also wrote it. The music scene is in a sad state today. Alot of crap music. Lady Gaga accentuates it with "Judas". With lyrics like "I'll bring him down... a king with no crown", "in the most biblical sense I am beyond repentance, fame hooker prostitute wench, vomits her mind...", "Jesus is my virtue and Judas is the demon I cling to..", how can she not expect to receive the ire of the church lol.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Bieber Fever
Bieber fever has swept into KL...out of KL... and into my home =.=
Its bad enough that sister has a major Bieber obsession - Bieber wallpaper, Bieber photos, Bieber book, Bieber painted on toenails, Bieber on phone cover. Kept saying "JB is so hot, handsome, cute blah blah blah". And I was tinking why the hell is she so into my friend??? Until I realised she was talking abt Justin Bieber.
.... now parents keep talkin abt Bieber. Even my muscially-challenged dad knows so much abt much that it induced a Bieber-conversation in the car en-route to dinner. =.=
And again keep linking me with Bieber. the hair. the cap. At least dad said I got da look first. haha.
After watching Never Say Never, have to admit that Bieber aint that bad. Have some newfound respect for him now. And that kid is bloody talented. But no, doesnt mean Im a Bieleber now. Just Shahlabi(eber). Haha. Retard.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Application of Economics in Life
This is an excerpt...
All the tests and exams and assgmts must have loosened our screws. Had lunch with the monkey in Pyramid Macd...
Monkey: How u did yr tutes man? And study for the tests and assignments...
Me: I did it in advance cuz I saw the busy weeks. Having no friends in uni means I have no social life. No social life increases the quantity of available time. So qty demand of time decreases, qty supply of time increases. Increase in supply of time leads to more work done, which increases work productivity. Also, cash outflow on social activities decreases.
Monkey: Yeah, but no social life also decreases quality of life coz ull get bored and lonely. So work productivity decreases. And a social life gives you economies of scale coz u get to copy during tests and discuss for assignments. And there'll be diminishing marginal returns of productivity coz for every extra hour of time you get, the benefit obtained from studying diminishes due to information overload.
I think we are both screwed lol.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Jar of Farts
3 tests in 3 consecutive days. A 30% assignment due a week after. Seriously who on God's fading green earth coordinates these assessments? It's as if they intentionally want students to fail to obtain more money from them. It's a miracle discussion transpired during 2 tests and went unnoticed. And its ridiculous that we have to read 5 chapters worth of material for 5marks. Brain filled to capacity. Complete absurdity. Just needa pull thru this 2 weeks, and then its time for a very well deserved break. Before the advent of exam stress. This time without the 2 beauties who are enjoying their assess off down under. Lol.
Current songs:
On The Floor (J Lo Feat Pitbull)
Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor) (Pitbull Feat T-Pain)
Blow (Ke$ha)
Till The World Ends (Britney Spears)
Love Like Woe (The Ready Set)
Coming Home (Diddy-Dirty Money Feat Skylar Grey)
Jar of Hearts (Christina Perri)
Born This Way (Lady Gaga)
Born To Be Somebody (Justin Bieber)
More (Usher)
The Lazy Song (Bruno Mars)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Mid Sem
Being netless is starting to be an irritating routine. At least its been solved.
Guess the weeks of nerding ie doing tutes weeks in advance kinda helped seeing we got 3 tests and an assgmt cramped in 2 weeks. Who da hell coordinates all these? They need a brain check.
Kinda miss flirting with girls.
Miss my hometown kakis.
Miss the person I used to be.
Why do ppl never appreciate what they have, and continuously yearn for other things? You take what you have for granted, and once it leaves yr hands, you cry for it back. You don't know what you got till its gone. We should learn to be content with the things ard us. More importantly, the PEOPLE we share our lives with - friends, families etc. Cuz u nvr know when they may suddenly leave you in the dark of the night. And i don't mean death.
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