Friday, November 7, 2008

The Hyperbole

It would be a severe understatement to say that Hans Basil had been on a run of misfortune of late. His life was a dartboard, with every inch of the surface emblazoned with the words 'bad luck'. And who better to be the dart thrower than the cynical Lady Luck herself. And on the morning of the much-abhorred Accounts exam, Hans' bad luck culminated with the non-assignment of his seating desk. Well, it seems his past problem of being blacklisted and subsequent barring from exams may not have been completely cleared after all. Thankfully, he didn't press the panic button, and let nous prevail.

Irony was the word of the morning, with the Accounts paper being surprisingly less tough than what was expected. Hans had time to triple check his answers, Sue Anne could not forget Econs and learnt she could not apply Economic concepts in Accounts and John Bow felt the paper was relatively easier than past tests he had sat for. Irony. Save for Jay Dic, who was starting to transform into a more cloying version of himself. As if the bold remark the day before was not conceited enough, he went one step further by proclaiming the Accounts paper was easy. Everyone knows Jay prides himself on being the Account savant, but surely he remembered being beaten on several occasions. Hopefully history won't repeat itself, or there'll be more than just sweat on his face.

Hans, Sue and Angie Flo had made plans the night before to have a mini celebration after the Accounts paper to ease some steam and enjoy the welcomed 5-day break until the next paper. John planned to catch up with his sister while Sanya Dival's itinerary stated "Bad Girl Go Good" with 'stay out of trouble' in fine print below. As for Jay Dic, his was as interesting as going to college daily- the banal trip back home. No extraordinary outing on his list. Then again, what was extraordinary for him was the norm for the civilised society.

Hans' small outing soon overblew into a massive preponderance vacation to Sunway Pyramid, as Angie's other friends invited him and Sue to watch a movie with them, which they duly obliged. Things were moving pretty smoothly, but with Hans Basil, it's a tacit fact that no good thing lasts even for one day. Somehow, he failed to realise that Sanya's itinerary stated "Sunway Pyramid" as well, and as fate intervened, the two were strung together.

Ever since Sanya's propensity to pernicious acts, Hans had been trying to distance himself from her. He had felt confused not only at her behavioural change but at his too, a direct result of hers. One moment he was yearning for her, the next he could not stand her. Needless to say, his current one was that of mild irritation, as he could no longer figure out how to be that friend she so desperately needed. While Angie struggled putting in effort to save Sanya and their friendship, Hans had given up hope. And he impetuously let his feelings known. A little prudence would have been better, for it would have saved the resulting argument that occured later that night.

Hans and John enjoyed a rare night of bonding after the latter returned with his own bonding with his sister. Their bonding was done via pool, one activity both enjoyed more than almost anything. Well, as previously stated, nothing good lasts very long in Hans' life, as he soon recieved accusatory messages from Sanya amidst the pool game. It seemed Hans' life was doomed, a one way street straight to destruction with one unpalatable impasse after another.

Sanya was trying her hardest to change, and she needed her friends around her. Sadly for her, her best friend was on the verge of giving up while her ex had revoked his offer of support. To top it off, he did not remain a neutral figure in her life, but one who displayed indifference. These probably caused her to launch her angry messages that interrupted Hans' bonding session with John, but it was probably worthwhile, as Hans called her after the game of pool to give him a piece of his mind. Ironically, it appeared to help Sanya, as she vowed to get back on track. Whether the track she got on leads to the return of her old self or deeper into the dark remains to be seen.

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