Sunlight has usually been synonymous with cheer and an ethereal form of optimism, albeit the heat, while rain is usually interpreted as a symbol of gloom and depression. While it was sunny on the day of the English Final, rained poured down relentlessly on the morning of the Mathematics Paper. Will the symbolism of rain translate to the Math Paper?
Appreantly so, as Hans Basil discovered. Carelessness seems to be an innate trait in him that just refuses to disappear. Hans had lost a whopping total of 28% in 3 tests due to careless errors, and he vowed never to repeat the dreaded trend ever again. Unfortunately, his mind was not aligned with his willpower. And after the exam ended, he realised he may have lost 6% due to careless mistakes again. Guess it's unequivocal that Hans would never ever be in a propitious situation in Math, with carelessness looking set to torment his academic life.
John Bow and Sue Anne left the exam hall with similar feelings as Hans, both unsatisfied with the Math paper, disconcerted with their respective performances. While both dissimulated their emotions and Hans vented his frustrations, Jay Dic exclaimed that the least he could get was 90%, much to the chagrin of the others around him. Jay Dic should have thought about the ramifications of making such a remark. If he fails to achieve what he had presumptuously announced, hopefully he finds a bag big enough to hide his equally big head.
John, Nick Ivans, Hans, Leroy, Ean and Rodger ventured into part 2 of their 'House-Hunting' project, but like the previous phase, they failed to achieve satisfaction from the results. With all hope truly lost and none able to assent to a solid decision, it seems the only way in was out for each individual. And with John having made an agreement with an old friend few months back, it seems that the triumvirate of John, Nick and Hans look certainly set to part.
It had been previously stated that Sanya Dival and Angie Flo had been the best of friends, portraying every visible characteristic of one. Whether they were something more was anyone's guess. While their friendship had withstood every possible tribulation, even the threat of Hans Basil, neither had the prescience of anticipating what would imperil their supposedly impermeable friendship.
For a few days now, Sanya Dival had slowly been evolving, so slowly that the nuances in character was inconspicuous to anyone,even Angie. Initially struggling with the inevitable truth of going through college single, she had recieved calming advice from Hans, of all people, that friends were always there for her and that she did not need to be attached to feel loved or important. Sanya accepted the belief, but discarded it faster than she had imagined, debilitated by her single status. Whether the break up with Hans being the catalyst for this metamorphosis was verifiable or not was impertinent, as Sanya was on a downward spiral. Angie had tried her hardest at preventing the rate of change in Sanya's attitude, but to no avail. And it seems the latest episode in the "Depreciation of Sanya Dival" was the last straw for Angie.
Drinking in the day was usually not the decorum in society, and in some areas simply not acceptable. Yet this was exactly what Sanya and her close friend Jim A. D. did after their Math exam, enjoying one bottle of beer too many. Both returned to college drunk, though Sanya was a little more sober. But that did not alter the fact that the activity she and Jim had engaged in was one that was not espoused by Hans or Angie. While Hans was mostly shocked at seeing the 'new' Sanya, Angie was thoroughly disappointed and emotionally cut, admitting to Hans that she could no longer handle the change her in best friend, that she had given it her best in playing the obligatory confidante role requisite of a best friend. Hans' response was one of advice, but whether Angie would take it was anyone's guess. After all, the advice was not exactly friendly. It seems the cause of initial destruction of Angie's and Sanya's friendship was not a boy, as first feared, but Sanya herself. Who would have thought.
Hans Basil, though no longer attached with Sanya, still felt a modicum of responsibility for his ex's well-being, and as a favour for Angie, attempted at putting some perspective into her. Sanya, despite her haziness, received Hans' words and felt contrite at her behaviour, but could not cite any possible reasons for her change in behaviour when pressed by Hans. He left it at that and soon departed back to his hostel, where John was struggling with his studies and his fever. With Accounts on the Exam menu the next day, clairvoyance was in the air as both Hans and John could envisage more struggles in the exam hall. With Hans suffocated by his careless mistakes, it seemed he had given up studying for the exam. His reason? It's better to make mistakes due to lack of knowledge than to make careless mistakes after hard work. Hope it serves him well.
If Sunlight was the equivalent of cheer, Nick Ivans would definitely be sunburnt as he seems just about the only person in Sunway to be replete with mirth, with apparently nothing being able to dent his mood. The same can't be said for Hans though, as more rainy days lie ahead. And Angie's disturbing secret about Kia Jens more or less corroborated that fact. Just how much pain can one body and mind take?
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