Sunday, May 17, 2009

Depreciation- Reducing Balance Method

"We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey, especially the goodness of the people we meet on the way. Appreciation is a wonderful feeling, don't overlook it"

"The greatest need of every human being is the need for appreciation."

Just to know that what you have done for someone has been appreciated. A simple "thanks/thank you" would suffice- that constitutes to appreciation, does it not? But often in life, things are not as simple as it seems. What if you are too nice? You constantly put yourself out there for your friends. You help them with whatever they need/want, and ALL you ask for in return is simple grattitude. They are, after all, your friends. You'd do anything for them right? But there comes a time when being too nice has its drawback- you are constantly "abused"- you are treated like a doormat. Friends start taking your 'niceness'/kindness for granted because, heck, you are always nice. Right? And the initial appreciation turns to an obligation. Instead of your being nice to them a courtesy out of the kindness of your heart, it becomes an obligation to your friends. You HAVE to be nice. And the appreciation starts to run out, and so does your patience. You dsplay dislike and anger- hell no one should be treated like a robot! Everyone has emotions, whether they portray them or not. And this "dislike" you display at being treated like such may be wrongly perceived as "attitude". Therein lies the biggest fallacy of all. You may be nice to someone 24/7 for 364 days a year with all your heart and soul, and for the ONE day you snap out of it to show disapproval, they remember it forever, conveniently forgetting the other 364 days. To them, that sole day has now made u a/an bitch/asshole/jackass/cb[not cute boy] with an attitude problem. This is the shallowest of mentalities that exists in people today, and this ultimately culminates in trust issues. You don't know what to do now, and you don't know who your true friends are. There is no need for a spectacular gesture to show your appreciation to somebody. As mentioned, a simple heartfelt "thank you" is enough. Don't take your friends for granted. Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. Friendship, or any relationship for that matter, is NOT ONE-SIDED.


T said...

one sided love is never gonna work so lemme tell u something that im sure u never heard of,tender love and car in case you're oopsie your last word made me think of this song

Shahlabi said...

wat the hck are u talkin abt lol...

T said...

im singing dammit

angieflo said...

damn i know exactly how you it feel. no wait, not exactly but still yea.. heheheh =p

Shahlabi said...

this is just a general feeling..but if i cld pinpoint it to ppl...hmm...