Another New Year, which equates to another year gone. Time really flies like a G6, like a G6, like a G6 ok enough. Another end-of-the-year review. Why do I even bother doing this lol. Feels like some award show. Meh.
*Most 'Happy' Moment(s):
Getting my results for Sem 2 (Y1) and definitely Sem 1 (Y2).

Or just being with these awesome ppl.

*Most 'Emo' Moment(s):
Sep 11 2010.
Monash Ball. Or lack thereof.
*Most 'Angry' Moment(s):
Biz Law Assmgt.
*Most 'Hyper' Moment(s):
Cultural Night.

*Most 'Nerd' Moment:
Exam revision in library. Except for the little part where Ian started conversing with Myterious Hot Girl.

*Most 'Nice' Moment(s):
Having ppl tell u that u helped them alot for exams and it paid off.
Interacting with friends' families who u feel are like your own despite the fact you've only known them for a week.

*Most 'Evil' Moment(s):
As usual. My generosity in giving attitude, sometimes unnecessarily.
*Most 'Memorable' Moment(s):
Mauritians coming to JB. Universal Studios.

Awesome Foursome Assignmenting... be it in lib or Reb's place.

#Most 'Emo' Song:
Miley Cyrus - When I Look At You
#Most 'Catchy' Song:
Lady Gaga - Telephone
#Most 'Happy' Song:
Train - Hey Soul Sister
#Most 'Senseless' Song:
Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
#Most 'Meaningful' Song:
Maher Zain - Insha Allah
Lessons Learnt in 2010:
It's never too early or late to start something new.
We should study to learn and not just for the sake of.
Be who YOU want to be not what others want you to be.
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
The only people you need in your life are the ones that need you in theirs.