Anyway, after a lil bit of "different" posts of late, I've decided to revert to the more traditional route of 'updating' my ongoings. Could get pretty wordy and long...
Week 10 of uni. its break week, thk God. I'm gonna try and surmise my entire 10 weeks in this post. (gasp!). First few weeks were the 'adjustment' period- tryin to adjust from mufy to uni. it was pretty hard. Lectures and tutorials were rather alien. Din know we had to read the unit guides ourselves and do the tutorials corresponding to the weeks, until JB tol me abt it. Tutors and lecturers din say anything. Apparently due to the concept of 'Independent Learning' where we do everything ourselves, including assignments. So from weeks 1-4, I was a blur zombie unawares of what the hell was going on and playing catch up. Tutorials were done by just highlighting the damn book and attempting the questions. After that all info went out my head. Heck this can't be the way to study in uni...
The decisive moment came somewhere in week 5 or 6 where we had simultaneous assignments due, econs and accounts. That prompted me to start on them quickly, and in order to do so, I had to actually STUDY the relevant chapters instead of just completing tutorials for the sake of. So there came my plan on how to actually study...
In MUFY, I kinda made notes for everything (sans English), which was like a detailed summary of our books, and basically studied from there. Initially I thot why not do the same with Uni? After all this method served me well in MUFY. But after seeing the books, Im like hell no. Well, I realised there are lecture notes for every subject. So I decided ok, use that to study instead. JB printed the first lecture notes for me (accts). So after the first lecture, went back to study it. The lecture notes are meant to be concise, but perhaps tad too concise, cos it wasnt that detailed, and I had to refer back to the text. That got me thinking, Why read the notes if its kinda incomplete? If i've to read the textbook, then its as good as studying twice. And I dun have the time or energy to study every chapter of every unit twice. Which was then I decided to go all out and resurrect my MUFY style of studying. So now, after every lecture (without lecture notes), I just listen to what the lecturer says, go back and read that chapter, and make my own notes on it. Then I do the tutorial. Its a longer process, but at least theres information retention. So this is how I've been studying for the past 4-5 weeks. Call me crazy/nerdy, but studying's kinda been the only activity I've been doing of late. It's like an addiction. I've not gone out for bloody long, and my social life has been very stagnant. A senior once told me in uni, u'll face a trade-off between yr social life and yr studies. If you wanna excel, you gotta cut down alot on yr social life. You wanna keep your social life, your studies will suffer. From wat I've experienced so far, her words seem to hold some truth to it. Alot actually.
Well, as mentioned earlier, break is here. Finally. After a very stressful week [studies, assignments and fights]. It's retarded, but the happiest I am about this break is that I finally have the time to catch up and revise all chapters I din really understand earlier. Only prob is the 2 assignments that I gotta do as well. And this is where I became most freaky. I actually made a daily plan of all the work I would for the break period. Kinda helps me keep track and maintain my focus so I don't stray off.
Chapters 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, tutorial 10
Chapters 10, 11, 14, 21
Business Econs Stats
Topic 1
Assignment 2:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Conclusion & Recommendation
So this is what I plan to accomplish during break. I know, Im sucha nerd. So far progress looks ok. Just that certain unforeseen circumstances might cause my daily plans to go off track. Like today. FINALLY WENT OUT. after a month i tink. relived old times with anu and lala. hit pyramid. it was fun, just like old times. One year on, Im still old, lala is still blur (AND CLUMSY) and anu isfat well, anu. There shd be more of today.
So this is what I plan to accomplish during break. I know, Im sucha nerd. So far progress looks ok. Just that certain unforeseen circumstances might cause my daily plans to go off track. Like today. FINALLY WENT OUT. after a month i tink. relived old times with anu and lala. hit pyramid. it was fun, just like old times. One year on, Im still old, lala is still blur (AND CLUMSY) and anu is
I guess this 'lifestyle' could suit me- making studies my main priority and spending most of my time just concentrating on studies. Yeah we shd have a balance right, study and play. But there just seems to be so much drama on a daily basis. How to play? So instead of worrying about all that, might as well just spend the time and energy studying. I dun care if I'm labelled a nerd or wadever, as long as it helps me get good grades for uni. Dang Ive never studied so bloody much in my life for consecutive weeks. So proud of myself. Lol so perasan.

Study at my table...
Would be good to take a break too though. Sigh. Just one thing annoying me is food. In uni its just cafeteria food, which is overpriced and underquality. And now durin hols, its the same prob each day. What to eat. Mamak, Pyramid, fast food. Sigh. It's expensive and Im gettin sick of it. I need to go back home. Bloody assignments. Lets see what next week has in store for us all.
(if u managed to make it through this post up to this point, and ur brain dead, dun say I din warn u)