Saturday, June 27, 2009
#1 = Learn to appreciate the simple things. A small gesture of appreciation goes a much longer way than you think. Appreciate the people in your life, and what they've done for you.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson [Mikael Yacksun] :(
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Finally drank after so bloody long. and I shdn't have. dang its like i cant hold my liqour anymore. got pretty high easily, turned woozy, then just plain drunk. rmb pukin once or twice, ash bringin me back to me room, slping and then tts it. oh and lala's call abt results. speakin of.
First Sem
English 86
Econs 96
Math 92
Accounts 80
Second Sem
English 90
Econs 85
Math 90
Accounts 86
English = 88
Econs = 90.5
Math = 91
Accounts = 83
Grand Total = 352.5
Damn pleased with myself but can't really do a lap of victory cos ive not heard how others have done. so yeah. and hrd tt one other missed by 2 marks. TWO! damn. hope for the best for those who have not checked. May you get the results you want. And if u havent GO WATCH TRANSFORMERS!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I Gotta Feeling
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fuck My (Fucking) Life
Today, I realised I could not trust ANYONE. FML.
Today, to destress, I decided to boho with several friends after days of planning. After getting down to all the details, my friends decided not to come. FML.
Today, I was waiting for a very important call. I waited for several hours, then decided to take a bath. When I was done, I realised that i received a miss call from overseas. I tried calling back. I couldn't get through. FML.
Today, I discovered my cousin was a slut. FML.
Today, my hostel toilet was cleaned in the morning by the cleaners. At night, I took a shower. The floor was sticky. FML.
Today, I went to take a bath. After fully rinsing my hair and body, I realised I forgot to take my towel. FML.
Today, my mom called me from Australia, where she was on holiday. I took this chance to tell her about my financial and housing issues. Before that opportunity came she ranted on and on about what I wanted from Down Under and what coloured clothes I liked. I just waved her off and before I could speak she said it was an expensive call and hung up. FML.
Today, my friend told me my potential roommate could be gay. FML.
Today, I decided to stay on in my hostel to save on transport expenses back home. I realised that this area had a high cost of living, and I had not enough money. FML.
Today, I had a wonderful time hanging out with my friends, where we just spent time hanging around without a worry in the world. I was having the best time of my life. My alarm brought me back to reality. FML.
Today, 2 of my closest friends MSNed me, asking if I could join them for a short holiday. I told them my financial problems. They said it's okay, it'll probably be more fun without me. I'm still wondering if it was a joke. FML.
Today, i realised that FML is my best friend. FML.
Today, I realised I told an annoying person yesterday that I would be going back to my hometown today. I said that just to get out of a potential outing with him. He saw me today. FML.
Today, I was reminiscing all the good times I had recently. I realised I had none. FML.
Today, I realised I attracted more guys than girls. I'm a guy. FML.
Natural Disaster
today the bloody agent calls and says theres a unit (fully furnished) for rm2000. which is considerably cheap lah. so after pool at ac with ann, mich, lala and jarjar (or jarbaby/jarling as he is more often known as by others), ann and i hit jarvis' and spent like donno how long starin at all the animals in his unit. (MLIA)
Prickly lil hedgehog who shat cos tsu ann scared it (ok no i lied). it did shit tho. anywaes, bad news is bound to shadow my good news.
Good News : rm2000 fully furnished
Bad News: it can only be rented out wholly. as in we cant rent individual rooms, which was what phil n i had planned since nick was in ns and wd oni be movin in in sep and thr was no way in hell phil or i cld pay for d whole unit.
Spent the whole evening and night being bugged by this mere thorn and laid out every diff scenario possible (control freak?/ocd?/or jus plain retarded?) balked at the potential amt ive to pay for july and aug. crap. cant seem to find a 4th person. things gettin really bad now. well JB did offer a diff proposition but tts considerably OUT of the question (maybe) cos then id be kinda stabbing 2 frens in the back. but hey, desperate times calls for desperate measures, does it not? maybe i shd start tinkin of putting myself first. nah i prolly wont, and cant. im just a born Natural Disaster
Friday, June 19, 2009
Little Miss(ter) Obsessive
Today, people were walking out of the condo after midnight as per normal. I walked out. The guard scolded me. FML.
Today, the guard let 3 girls into college past midnight. He stopped me and my friend. FML.
Today, my friend bullshitted about his friends being in college to the same guard. The guard told us to call them out. We lied and said we had no phones. My phone rang. FML.
Today, the same guard spoke to me in malay, telling me he'll ask us to leave college nicely. I pretended I didn't know malay. I then proceeded to reply him in malay. FML.
Today, someone stopped the car beside me on the pavement as I was walking and subsequently hit on me. The driver was an Indian guy. I'm a guy. FML.
Today, I was onlining with the girl I like. She did not reply. When she finally did, it was to tell me she had to go off. FML.
Today, I spent the whole day trying to broker a deal for a new house. While units had always been available, the pressing issue had been regarding the people moving and rent issue. I finally reached a solution. There are no more units available. FML.
Today, I was onlining the entire day and chatted with no one. When several friends finally went online, my internet went off. FML.
Today, an annoying acquaintance chatted with me on Facebook. To get him off I lied and said I was going to sleep soon. 2 hours later, I was still on Facebook, and so was he. FML.
Just had to add FML here. Had spent millions of hours prior to today reading MLIA and FML. damn bloody addictive (thx nunu). Oh, 'fore i forget, the previous post, abt reformatting my memory in MUFY, to forget everyone and everything, is NOT aimed at EVERYONE. recieved several enquiries abt that. NOT everyone are assholes. Some of u are still angels. sorry for tt.Anywaes, heres the lowdown of the supposed shift to Suria Mas. Detailed to the best of my ability.
=>JB and I had planned to move out. Needed 3rd person. Asked Tize Bing. Mom disallows.
=> Helpful Jarvis gives several numbers to call. Calls them up. Settles for 2 numbers, 1 unit.
=> Views the unit. Place is astonishing, price is reasonable. Explains details to JB. He bails out.
=> Views again with Phil. He agrees. Dad does not.
=> Nick moves outta PV. He agrees to move in to SM. He has NS.
=> Reaches a solution where Phil can move. Need a 4th person.
=> Tsu Ann agrees. Mom does not, citing rent and um, other issues.
=> Ann arrives at a brilliant idea, and asks X to move in with her. X agrees, Mom agrees. Nick does not. and Bails.
=> Nick agrees if Y moves in instead. Ann does not.
=> Ann and Nick reach an agreement, and X will move in with Ann. Her dad does not allow.
=> Asks Addy. She refuses.
=> Asks Shaf. He kinda agrees. Problem of settling Nick's 2 month rent.
=> Shaf suggests Tiara, the house version of SM. None available.
=> Shaf and 2 friends agree to move in to SM with Phil n I. 5 people. 4 rooms. No Nick.
=> Shaf and his roommate agree to move in to SM with us. 5 people, 4 rooms, with Nick. Shaf smses at night saying he'll go to LV instead.
=> Shaf and roommate decides to move to SM instead. We meet up. He then explains he found 2 units in PV, and would rather shift there.
=> Decides that Phil and I would move in SM first, and Nick after his NS. NO units left, pending further details.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Let's Get Restarted (Part II)

Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Let's Get Restarted (Part I)
msn-ing with tsu ann, phil, anu (cant rmb who else). just another day in my normal insomnia-ravaged life. approximately 2.5 hours to bedtime. Ygr Bro suddenly runs up the stairs panting and switched off the lights.
Me: What's wrong?
YB: Someone's tryna get in the house. (Knocks parents' door. They wake up)
I turn to the CCTV which is behind me and start scanning all four screens. Nothing. Parents and YB run down. Sister wakes up and watches the CCTV. I am called down. And i do the stupidest thing. I return to my laptop and tell whoever im chatting with BRB. Then i go down. Dad, OB,YB and I are armed with golf clubs. 4 of us head out from the back, stealthily circle the house, check every nook and corner, and every coast is clear. No intruder in sight. I check the roof. Clear. We all head inside. Doors locked. OB relates the story.
OB: I was sleepin. Suddenly I hrd this voice talkin to me. I opened my eyes and saw this figure at the window. I thot it was a dream. But the voice was clear. I thot it was (YB) but then i realised he cldn be outside at this time. I realised it was an outsider and just shouted at him. Then i got out and told (YB).
We view the CCTV. 0335hrs. Nothing. 0338hrs. Nothin. OB growing increasingly fearful he may have caused a kerfuffle over a dream. o340hrs. Bingo. Intruder spotted climbing over a wall from the neighbour's house at the back. Casually walks around the compound as if he owns the damn place. Strolls to my bro's room. Windows are open. He pops his head in. (Probably where he starts talkin to my bro to see if there was anyone inside). After a while he flees. Heads to the front and jumps out the front gate. Drama ceases.
But not the consequences. A huge debate between Dad and OB ensues. The manner in which the intruder strolled around indicated he was familiar with the area. Either he's been in before or has been watchin us. Either way it makes my skin curl and blood boil. Home is no longer safe. Younger sibs chatter about the incident. Parents head to bed. And I casually return to my laptop, as nightmares of 1999 swarm into my head.
Fucker with white top, black jacket, shorts and sandals outside my bro's room.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Waking Up In Johor
1) i've no money to put it anywhere near my mouth (lol)
2) ive never been to Vegas. I've been to England but thats besides the point.
Holiday Checklist:
= Get into fight with Parents. Check
= Be completely Bankrupt. Check
= Get into fight with Younger Bro. Check
= Emo my ass everyday. Check
=Sleep at 6am everyday. Check
=Get Parents into a fight. Check
=Start reading and believing Horoscopes. Check
=Pay for bills despite being Broke. Check
Needed to be Done:
=Medical Check-up.
=Get into fight with Sister.
=Meet up S'porean pals.
=Diversify banal daily activities.
=STOP Emo-ing.
=STOP Smoking.
=STOP being an Irregular Human Being
=STOP making dumb resolutions.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sweet & Sour, Hot & Cold
Sour, Hot